This number signifies the amount of possibility that will lead to an eventual dream. I choose to remain positive and believe in hope for that's all there is--hope and prayer.
Today began very early (4:45am to be exact) with a heavy heart and wandering mind. Anxiety and worry along with an entire host of emotions surrounded me as I laid in darkness awaiting the sunrise. I tossed and turned seeking comfort from the pain but could not; I tossed and turned waiting to get my BF's attention which I did. He immediately turned to me and wrapped his arms around me while whispering, "It's going to be okay". His warmth and tenderness helped me to drift off for another twenty minutes before "go time".
As I prepared for the day, all I can think of was-What if this doesn't work? What if it does and if it does, how many can be retrieved? The rambling thoughts spun me around but before I knew it, iIwas on my way out the door to no longer wonder but to know.
To know where this day will lead our lives and to know how many possibilities will be available to us.
As I prepared to face the unknown, all I can do at that moment was wring my hands and periodically gaze over at my BF's tender eyes. His eyes said so much without saying...don't worry, it'll all be okay...don't be nervous...what's meant to be, will be and above all else, I love you.
Minutes later, I was being instructed to lay back, prop my legs up and prepare to become a stirrup queen. What appeared to be a long time waiting turned out to be a moment in time. A moment in which my possibilities were being plucked one by one.
Through the pain, the best thing I heard today was the number (drum roll please) 33. This number signifies how many eggs were retrieved today in preparation for a (frozen embryo transfer) FET. I have made it through the biggest hurdle of it all, now it's just the waiting game of when the FET will occur. FET, in my case, needs to take place because of the high possibility of hyperstimulation based on my test and ultrasound results.
Albeit, this part of the waiting game is disappointing and stressful but nonetheless worth every moment.
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